Dr. Kimber's Teaching Specialization and Supervision Philosophy

Please note that Dr. Kimber is not taking on any additional students for the 2022-2023 academic year. However, I would still welcome the opportunity to sit on MSc and PhD supervisory committees.

Flat design vector concept for psychotherapy session. Patient with psychologist, psychotherapist office. Psychiatrist session in mental health clinic.

Dr. Kimber’s Teaching Specialization and Supervision Philosophy

The goal with my teaching specialization and supervision philosophy is to provide an environment that allows learners to safely question their own and others assumptions about knowledge, knowledge generation and experience. A fundamental principle of my teaching and supervision practice is to provide an environment where learners can be enthusiastically engaged with complex constructs and feel supported to grow as academics, clinicians and most importantly, as individuals.

Student Supervision

I regularly supervise 3rd year research practicum and inquiry courses, as well as honours theses for the Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour Program, as well as the Bachelor of Health Sciences Program, both at McMaster University.

I currently have MSc and PhD supervisory privileges within the Global Health Program and the Health Research Methodology Program, as well as MSc supervisory privileges within the Neuroscience Graduate Program, and the Health Sciences Education Program, all at McMaster University. For more questions on student supervision, please contact me.